The Slovenia Times

Primorske says funding cuts in judiciary bring nothing good


Koper - Commenting on the proposal to reduce funding of the judiciary in the next two years, Primorske Novice says that this brings nothing good. Not only that money is being cut for institutions that are supposed to make order, it is trust in the state that is on a particular decline, the newspaper adds.

"The message that the government sends to the (professional and lay) public by making such a proposal is perhaps even more important than money itself," Primorske Novice says under the headline Not Money, Trust in the State is Declining.

One would expect from any responsible government to strengthen prosecution services and courts so that prosecutors prosecute and courts sentence as many criminals and tax evaders as possible.

This way, more money is left for the community, for good education, science, health, army, police, for decent ageing.

"Instead, ministers and the prime minister tweet insultingly about individual court decisions, insult prosecutors and, for reasons known only to them, fail to appoint two prosecutors to the newly established European Public Prosecutor's Office."

Meanwhile, the prosecution in Croatia ordered a few days ago the arrest of a former minister and current member of the presidency of the ruling party. "So much about the so underrated Balkans."

Primorske Novice thus says that the funding cuts for courts and the prosecution do not mean anything good for the future of Slovenia.

"Unfortunately, we are not becoming better citizens, but we can listen with our own ears how our leaders are the most corrupt of us all. And not only that money for the services that would make order is disappearing, it is trust in the state that is on decline."


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