The Slovenia Times

Poklukar presents Slovenia's fight against Covid at WHO summit


Geneva - Attending a virtual WHO summit on evidence-based policy making in health Health Minister Janez Poklukar presented on Monday Slovenia's experience in implementing "effective and innovative evidence-based" measures in different phases of the Covid-19 epidemic.

Poklukar, who participated in the panel discussion of health ministers on behalf of the WHO European Region and as a representative of Slovenia's EU presidency, highlighted the role and work of the Covid-19 task force and enhanced inter-ministerial cooperation in Slovenia.

He said that recommendations for epidemiological measures were being formed and updated together based on scientific findings, evidence, guidelines and best practices from a variety of reliable sources available within international organisations and institutions, the Health Ministry said.

For a small country with limited resources it is particularly important that it uses the best available evidence from reliable sources, as well as scientific findings, guidelines, resources and other expert information from other countries and international institutions, Poklukar said.

He believes that it is now important to upgrade health systems with innovative solutions, and that the Slovenian EU presidency is an excellent opportunity to further strengthen international cooperation in all areas of public health within the EU, at the broader international level, and in cooperation with the WHO.

Evidence-based decision-making and health policy-making will empower many countries and lead to innovative solutions, thus improving preparedness and response to future challenges, the minister added.

Cooperation and political dialogue should be expanded in the future and the awareness raised about the importance of this process, he said.

The WHO World Summit, which is taking place virtually from today to Wednesday, is organised by the WHO Evidence-Informed Policy Network (EVIPNet), of which Slovenia is a member. Keynote speakers today included German Chancellor Angela Merkel, UN High Commissioner for Human Rights Michelle Bachelet and former UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon.


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