The Slovenia Times

Ljubljana drama theatre director resigns


Ljubljana - Igor Samobor, the director of Ljubljana's SNG Drama theatre, has resigned due to what he described as government foot-dragging over the badly needed renovation of the building of Slovenia's largest theatre.

In a resignation statement circulated Monday, Samobor says preparations for a renovation and extension of the theatre's building in the centre of Ljubljana had been proceeding since 2012, but then ground to a halt when Vasko Simoniti became the culture minister last year.

An architectural design has been selected, an adjacent building purchased and everything was ready for the acquisition of a building permit, but then Simoniti deferred financing despite the theatre having fulfilled all its obligations, according to Samobor.

Samobor accuses Simoniti of a series of "arbitrary decisions" and says it is impossible to act in such an environment. He decided to resign because "there is a chance that the negative attitude by the minister is of a personal, not general nature".

The SNG Drama theatre is in bad shape and was severely flooded during record rains that hit the Slovenian capital in late September, highlighting the need for renovation.

Samobor, a prominent actor, was named director in April 2013.


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