The Slovenia Times

President's climate panel calls for debate on energy


Ljubljana - In light of the recently concluded COP26 climate conference, President Borut Pahor's permanent committee of climate advisors has called for an inclusive, reasoned and publicly understandable debate on Slovenia's energy future and investments in energy solutions.

The advisory panel made its recommendations following a consultation on Slovenia's energy future before COP26, which primarily focused on the question of nuclear energy, the president's office said on Tuesday.

The committee also welcomed the commitments of countries to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and warned that much more substantial measures will be needed to implement those goals.

They assessed that proposals to provide electricity from nuclear power will be decided by citizens in a referendum in the coming years, citing that as another reason for proper public debate on possible solutions.

The committee also invited electricity producers in Slovenia to cooperate in drawing up a plan how to meet the country's energy needs from renewable and carbon-neutral sources.

In addition, it called on the National Assembly and the government to draw up appropriate legislation on energy infrastructure, and on citizens to use electricity and other energy products carefully and efficiently.


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