The Slovenia Times

President Pahor starts visits to Serbia, Kosovo


Belgrade - President Borut Pahor will visit Serbia on Sunday and Kosovo on Monday as he prepares for the next summit of the Brdo-Brijuni Process, a regional cooperation initiative. He is scheduled to meet Serbian President Aleksandar Vučić today, and Kosovar President Vjosa Osmani and Prime Minister Albin Kurti tomorrow.

The meetings are designed as an exchange of views on the dialogue between Belgrade and Prishtina, the situation in the Western Balkans, and the region's EU prospects while being part of the preparations for the next summit of the Brdo-Brijuni Process, Pahor's office said.

Pahor hosted the latest Brdo-Brijuni summit in Slovenia on 17 May, at which the leaders agreed it was urgent to integrate Western Balkan countries into the EU faster, which is also one of Slovenia's EU presidency's priorities.

As part of the EU presidency, Slovenia hosted an informal EU-Western Balkans summit last month. Although it confirmed the EU's commitment to enlarge towards Albania, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Serbia, North Macedonia, Montenegro and Kosovo, the summit brought no breakthrough.

Among the most pressing issues are the start of accession talks with North Macedonia and Albania, instability in Bosnia-Herzegovina, and rather tense relations between Serbia and Kosovo.


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