Medical ethics committee approves of anti-Covid drug Lagevrio
Ljubljana - Slovenia's national medical ethics committee has no reservations towards Lagevrio, a medicine also known as molnupiravir. The committee maintains that the drug brings significant progress in fighting the coronavirus epidemic, as it prevents a severe course of Covid-19 or death.
The European Medicines Agency (EMA) recommended the drug for coronavirus treatment on 19 November even if it is not yet registered.
The oral anti-viral drug, being developed by Merck Sharp & Dohme in collaboration with Ridgeback Biotherapeutics, is intended for the treatment of Covid-19 in adults.
The EMA recommends it to be prescribed to adults, except pregnant women, who do not need oxygen support yet but given their medical condition, they are likely to develop a severe form of Covid-19.
It should be taken five days after coronavirus symptoms appear or as early as possible after a positive test result, the committee summarised the agency's recommendation.
The committee recommends that doctors in Slovenia inform in detail patients eligible for the medicine about its properties and potential side effects.
The explanation can be written, but it should be written so as to be understood by anyone, the committee, which is part of the Health Ministry, said on Tuesday.
"Once a patient is informed about everything, they should decide on their own and without any pressure whether to take Lagevrio or not."
The patient consenting to treatment with the new drug should sign the consent and the doctor should initial it until the drug is registered, the recommendation reads.
Doctors are also advised to monitor effects of the new drug and potential side effects for each patient separately.