The Slovenia Times

Surgeon opposing hospital's Covid bed plans to return to work


Šempeter pri Gorici - Danijel Bešič Loredan, the head of the Nova Gorica general hospital's orthopaedic ward, who had been banned from work due to his opposition to the hospital's Covid reorganisation plans, is to return to work on Tuesday. The management has decided he will only receive a written warning.

Bešič Loredan clashed with the previous management over its decision on moving patients from his ward to expand the hospital's capacities for Covid-19 patients.

He said in mid-November it was not possible to close the ward if the hospital was to treat patients who need 'urgent' or 'very fast' treatment and that with a different organisational approach this were not even necessary.

Subsequently, the hospital's acting director Ernest Gortan initiated proceedings against the doctor. He was banned from working at the hospital and faced extraordinary termination of employment, against which he appealed.

The appeal was processed by the new director, which was in the meantime appointed by the government.

As the procedure against Bešič Loredan concluded, the hospital's new management decided he should return to work.

The doctor told the STA today that he had received a letter saying that the ban on his work had been revoked, so he was returning to work tomorrow.

He will meet the new hospital director, Dimitrij Klančič, who decided Bešič Loredan should receive only a written warning.

Both will give a statement tomorrow.


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