The Slovenia Times

Janša urges vaccination in a letter to citizens


Ljubljana - Many Slovenians have received in their mail boxes a letter in which PM Janez Janša thanks them for getting vaccinated against Covid-19 while urging the unvaccinated residents to kindly consider getting a jab. "Let this be your free yet responsible decision," he says in the letter ahead of the Sunday-to-Thursday Vaccination Days.

He notes that the vaccine was being eagerly awaited a year ago, as it was believed it would eradicate the virus. "Unfortunately, in Slovenia, where we have a 65% vaccination rate, and also largely around the world, this is not the case."

There is enough vaccine in Slovenia while not enough residents have gotten a jab, says Janša, adding "we are still being threatened, especially the elderly and those with cronic conditions".

Noting the virus does not choose along the lines of citizenship, nationality or political creed, he urges unity in efforts to successfully resist it because it divides us to those it misses or just slightly affects and those it infects and puts their health or even lives at serious risk.

Addressing doubts about the vaccines, Janša says there is no more doubt about them not being sufficiently tested: "Several billion people have been already vaccinated on the planet, and with such a figure, nothing can be hidden."

He says a comparison of the side effects and the consequences of Covid-19 shows the side effects are a thousand times smaller.

The prime minister also urges the vaccinated and those who have recovered from Covid-19 to decide on a booster jab, which he sees important due to the Omicron variant.

"Let us be free yet responsible and sympathetic. It is time to join forces and stick together in the fight against Covid-19," Janša says.


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