The Slovenia Times

Some retailers withdraw Košaki meat products


Ljubljana - Following a recent report about animal mistreatment at the Košaki TMI abattoir in Maribor, retailer Spar Slovenija has temporarily withdrawn all food from this meat processing company from its shops, and Hofer has suspended the purchase of Košaki products.

Spar Slovenija told the STA on Tuesday that the company was particularly attentive to sustainable development in selecting meat suppliers.

"We aspire to animals receiving humane treatment (optimal care, living environment, quality fodder). We constantly bring this to our suppliers' attention and urge them to regularly report on providing adequate working procedures," Spar wrote.

The company intends to closely monitor further developments and decide on cooperation with Košaki after national inspectors have completed their inspection at Košaki.

Spar Slovenija has called on all of its meat suppliers to produce reports on the situation at their abattoirs, certificates and standards.

Hofer, which sells a very limited range of Košaki products, told the STA it has suspended cooperation with Košaki until it proves to meet all the conditions of Hofer's policy on animal welfare.

Just like Spar, Hofer has contacted its fresh meat suppliers urging them to check the situation at production facilities and respect contracts governing animal treatment. Hofer is also continuing its regular announced and unannounced visits to its suppliers' production facilities.

Tuš will temporarily withdraw Košaki products as well and call on the supplier to improve the treatment of animals, the company told the STA.

The newspaper Delo meanwhile reported that Mercator and Lidl do not sell Košaki products.

An NGO published a video of animal mistreatment at Košaki last week, which prompted the Administration for Food Safety, Veterinary Sector and Plant Protection to launch inspection.

Košaki regretted the mistreatment saying it was committed to quality and care for consumers, which included respect and appropriate treatment of animals, while adding that given the footage, "we are not always entirely successful at this".


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