The Slovenia Times

President brings Christmas cookies to staff at Covid clinic


Ljubljana - President Borut Pahor has paid a visit to Slovenia's main Covid treatment facility on Christmas Eve, brining his traditional Christmas cookies. He said such traditions promoted small acts of kindness.

"This is how we show how much we need each other and help those who might not have all the things most of us have in life. At the same time we remember those who are in a difficult situation at the moment, including in hospitals. It is a time when we think of each other," Pahor said as he handed over a package of Christmas cookies to the staff at the UKC Ljubljana Department of Infectious Diseases.

He praised the work of medical staff during the Covid-19 epidemic, saying that everyone was tired of this epidemic that has been dragging for so long, so it was best to try and help each other rather than fight and point fingers.

The head of the department, Tatjana Lejko Zupanc, thanked Pahor for his visit and for his support to the medical staff throughout of the epidemic.

"For us the greatest present is a kind thought, a good wish, a small praise that we have done what was expected of us," she said, calling for solidarity with health workers.

Pahor traditionally makes Christmas cookies since 2013, when he baked the first batch with the children from the Malči Belič Youth Centre in Ljubljana.

Later, he carried on the tradition of baking on Christmas Eve with children and youth and others from the Dolfka Boštjančič day centre for all those children, youth and others who are spending the holidays away from their families in homes and institutions.

This year the traditional baking event would have been held for the ninth time, but was cancelled because of the epidemic, just like last year.

But the president still decided to continue to tradition of bringing a small present to those who cannot spend the holidays at home.

Apart from staff at the UKC, he also paid a visit to the mums and their children at the Ljubljana maternity home and the Dolfka Boštjančič centre.

Packages with Christmas cookies will also be delivered to several other institutions across the country, youth homes, crisis centres for children and youth, children's hospitals and the youth asylum home in Ljubljana.


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