The Slovenia Times

Večer says pensioners should demand concrete solutions


Ljubljana - As the election year draws near, and there are more than 620,000 pensioners in Slovenia who are important voters, Večer says in Monday's commentary that pensioners should demand concrete solutions from politicians and think well who they should vote for.

While in the past, retirees were being addressed by the Pensioners' Party (DeSUS), almost all political parties have been addressing them in recent years. It doesn't matter at all whether they are leftist, rightist or centrist parties.

When it comes to newcomers in the political arena, the newspaper says that these parties will also feature numerous defectors from DeSUS, who have been promising average pensions of at least EUR 1,000.

"They will promise anything ahead of the elections, and also to give it up after the elections, when the expenses of what is already a EUR 6 billion pension fund need to be covered. This is when different political calculations begin."

This is also the time when pre-election slogans about decent pensions for a decent old age, which Slovenians still do not have, get forgotten, as this is, after all, confirmed by statistics, Večer adds under the headline Election is Nearing.

"Pensioners, this is why you should demand concrete solutions. Remember that your vote counts and think carefully about who you will give it to and why. Of course, this also applies to all who still pay pension contributions today," concludes the commentary.


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