The Slovenia Times

Fewer school marks amid Covid outbreak


Ljubljana - As an increasing number of school classes are moving online amid the Omicron-driven spread of coronavirus, the Education Ministry has reduced the number of marks students are required to get this school year. The ministry took a similar decision to adapt to remote schooling in November 2020.

The new rules affect primary and music schools as well as schools for children with special needs.

Pupils' work for classes that are on the curriculum up to two periods a week, need to be assessed at least twice during the school year where both or most of the marks should not be based on written assignments.

If subjects that come up less than twice a week are taught based on a flexible curriculum the pupil needs to be assessed at least once a year.

Meanwhile, for subjects such as maths where there are more than two periods a week pupils need to get at least three marks but most should not be based on written assignments or tests.

Education Minister Simona Kustec promised earlier this week there would be no school closures as a systemic measure with only classes or schools affected by infections to switch to distance learning.


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