The Slovenia Times

Slovenians do not eat their greens, survey indicates

Health & Medicine

Luxembourg - A survey by Eurostat suggests Slovenians are among the least avid consumers of fruit and vegetables in the entire EU, second only to Romanians and on a par with Bulgarians.

As many as one third of EU citizens reported eating no fruit or vegetables daily at all in 2019 and 12% consumed the recommended five portions or more a day, the survey shows.

On average, over half of the EU citizens surveyed (55%) said they ate between one and four portions of fruit and vegetables daily.

The lowest daily intake was found in Romania, where only 2% of those surveyed ate at least five portions of fruit and vegetables, followed by Slovenia and Bulgaria, at 5%, and Austria, at 6%.

The Irish did best with one out of three reporting consuming five a day, followed by the Dutch (30%), Danes (23%) and French (20%).

Women tend to eat more fruits and veggies with 27% women compared to 30% of men reporting skipping this type of food.


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