The Slovenia Times

Predictions on Ljubljana's future on show at City Museum


Ljubljana - An exhibition entitled Urban Prophecies has opened at the City Museum of Ljubljana, featuring 30 predictions about life in Ljubljana in the year 2100.

The exhibition features a selection of short predictions, which are engraved on ceramic tiles that make up the top surface of the large table.

These "prophecies" have been collected and written down during a series of public debates with experts in various fields, said Jernej Prijon, one of the authors of the exhibition.

One of the aims of the discussions, which took place both online and in person, was to encourage long-term thinking, as the absence of it has proved to be a major problem in today's society, Prijon added.

The participants at the six public debates have chosen 30 prophecies featured at the exhibition, while post-it notes are available on an adjacent wall for visitors to write down their own prophecies. The best ones will be added to the existing thoughts during the next debate.


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