Macedonian FM Expected in Slovenia
Poposki is scheduled to hold talks with Foreign Minister Karl Erjavec, President Danilo Türk, National Assembly Speaker Gregor Virant and Prime Minister Janez Janša.
The visit will also mark the 20th anniversary of diplomatic relations between the countries.
The Foreign Ministry has said that Poposki's visit was a continuation of the frequent political contacts between Slovenia and Macedonia. In May alone, Slovenian and Macedonian ministers of economy, interior relations and defence held bilateral meetings.
The countries have no open questions, with Ljubljana supporting Macedonia's efforts for membership in the European union and NATO.
Friday's visit will be Poposki's first in his capacity as foreign minister, being appointed in July 2011. Former Slovenian foreign minister Samuel Žbogar held an official visit to Skopje in March last year.
In trade, Macedonia has been running a deficit for a number of years. In 2010, trade amounted to EUR 173m, of which Slovenian exports accounted for EUR 140m. In the first half of 2011, trade reached EUR 90m, with Slovenian exports topping EUR 70m.