The Slovenia Times

Talks on easing of restrictions scheduled for next week

Health & Medicine

Postojna/Cerknica - The government will consult with health experts on Tuesday on when and how to adjust coronavirus restrictions now that the Omicron-driven wave has peaked and the epidemiological curve is rapidly declining.

The talks will be about the adjustment of restrictions, not the discontinuation thereof since the epidemiological situation could yet deteriorate, Health Minister Janez Poklukar said during a visit to the Primorsko-Notranjska region.

He said that "all restrictions will occasionally be bidirectional," which means that they will be eased when necessary but tightened again in the event the virus mutates.

Poklukar would not delve into any specifics. "It's too early for me to talk about that, this is up to the experts to say."

Mateja Logar, the head of the government's advisory group for Covid-19, told the STA that restrictions would be eased but it was not yet decided when or how.

"By no means will the easing be modelled on the Scandinavians and the UK," she said about two countries which have abandoned almost all restrictions relatively quickly.

Similarly, Economy Minister Zdravko Počivalšek said he wished the measures were eased as rapidly as possible, but noted that this should not be rushed.

The meeting on Tuesday will feature the members of the advisory group as well as representatives of hospitals and community health centres, and other experts who have helped the government with advice and guidance in the previous stages of the pandemic.

Infections in Slovenia peaked in late January and have since receded. While hospital figures, which typically trail cases with a two-week delay, continue to rise, hospitalisations and deaths have so far been well below the Delta peak or the first-wave peak.


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