The Slovenia Times

Delo welcomes favouring women at Venice Biennale 2022


Ljubljana - This year's Venice Biennale, which will be held between 23 April and 27 November, will promote female artists, as more than 90% of works presented there will be created by women, the newspaper Delo says in Saturday's front-page commentary. Since female artists remain largely marginalised this is a welcome move, the paper says.

51% of visual artists in Europe and the US are women, but they are still more or less marginalised. Only 5% of galleries in the western world have equal shares of male and female artists they represent, while this statistics is even worse in other parts of the world.

The perception of art is also connected to the prices that art pieces achieve at auctions and here men dominate as well. Still, even this cannot explain the fact that only 2% of the art pieces sold at auctions are done by female artists and that not a single work among the 100 most expensive works sold at auctions in the last decade was made by a woman.

According to the paper, this shows that like in all other social areas women are only slowly gaining ground. But it is true that the situation is changing.

Thanks to its art director Cecilia Alemani, this year's Venice Biennale will focus on female artists. Perhaps some will be bothered by this and say that artists are being unfairly favoured based on their gender not quality, but obviously sometimes radical measures are needed to change things, Delo says under the headline Sometime More Radical Measures Are Needed.


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