The Slovenia Times

Slovenia's Križnar wins Hinzenbach


Linz - Double Olympic medallist Nika Križnar won Sunday's ski jumping World Cup event in Hinzenbach, besting overall leader Marita Kramer of Austria by twenty points with the longest jumps in both series.

Križnar, who finished second yesterday, was in the lead after the first series and cemented her third win of the season with a 92.5-metre jump in the final series, the longest jump of the day.

She now ranks fourth in the overall standings with 641 points, within reach of Germany's Katharina Althaus, who has 698 points in third place.

Slovenia's highest ranked jumper, the Olympic gold medallist Urša Bogataj, remains in second place overall with 701 points. She won yesterday's event but was disqualified today for starting her qualifying jump before she got the green light.

Križnar had mixed feelings about her win, glad about winning but sad that her friend Bogataj was disqualified. "She deserved this crown more than I have," she said.

"I was angry and sad that that happened to her. I hope these mistakes do not happen any more," she said.


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