The Slovenia Times

Slovenia jumpers retain lead in Raw Air


Lillehammer - Slovenian ski jumpers Nika Križnar and Urša Bogataj placed second and third, respectively, in a World Cup event in Norway's Lillenhammer on Thursday. The winner was Austrian Marita Kramer. The pair also retained the top two position in the Raw Air rankings, where all jumps count, including in qualifying and prologues.

Križnar, who is second in the overall World Cup standings, was one point behind Kramer (299.9 points), just like after the first series.

The second series was marked by tough conditions. The top two jumpers were neck-and-neck after Križnar landed at 126.5 metres and Kramer's jump was a metre shorter.

Bogataj, who was fourth in the first series, jumped to the third place, landing at 132.0 metres and at 126.6 metres in the finals. She is third in the overall standings.

This is the sixth podium result in succession for Križnar.

Young Slovenian female ski jumpers were also successful today, as the younger sister of the Prevc brothers, Nika Prevc, won the World Youth Championship in Zakopane, Poland, and another Slovenian, Taja Bodlaj, was second.


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