Second largest Slovenian Bank NKBM Overhauling Supervisory Board
At least seven members of the nine-strong supervisory board, whose term expires on 14 July, are leaving in line with the present proposal, while two are hoping for reappointment.
The shareholders of the second largest Slovenian bank, which got a new chairman with Aleš Hauc in April, will also vote on a discharge of liability for the former management and the outgoing supervisors. They were told by the government on Thursday to vote against.
The government announced it would ask the new supervisors to study audits of past operations and establish whether action should be taken against the management and supervisors.
The shareholders will also decided on changes to the bank's statutes that would allow the management to expand initial capital by issuing up to EUR 20.4m-worth of new stock with the consent of the supervisors and without a vote by shareholders.
The government agrees with the move, Finance Minister Janez Šušteršič has said.