Resolution on higher education passed
Ljubljana - The National Assembly passed a resolution on the national programme until 2030 in a 44:20 vote on Wednesday. The document aims at raising the quality of higher education, increasing the higher education system's responsiveness, flexibility and attractiveness in relation to the economy, non-economy sectors and entire society.
Among the goals are also making higher education better integrated into the international environment, improving access to education and chances of permanent and life-long education, enhancing intensify of research and innovation, and improving transfer of know-how to the environment.
The higher education national programme is a key strategic document to set quality goals, standards, measures and policies in the country's higher education, the Education Ministry says.
It expects that until 2030, the country's higher education would create conditions to be able to respond to dynamic changes in society's development and to challenges while taking into account freedom of scientific and artistic activity and the country's balanced regional development.
More funds are planned to implement the resolution in the coming years. At least 4% of GDP is to go to finance education and research until 2025, of which 2% from the budget and 2% from other sources, while in 2030, budgetary funds should reach 2.25% of GDP.