Youth in Ljubljana, Maribor, Koper demand action on climate change
Ljubljana/Maribor/Koper - Members of the Youth for Climate Justice movement gathered in Ljubljana, Maribor and Koper to let decision makers know before the April election that the planet must have priority over capital. The youth also addressed a list of demands for a better future to mayors and to parties contesting the upcoming election.
Several hundred mostly young people came to Congress Square in Ljubljana at 11:55am on Friday carrying banners with slogans such as "There are no jobs on dead planet", "There is no Planet B" or "Burn calories not coal".
Brina Jeretina from the movement stressed that "with the elections nearing, the time is right to demand from politicians concrete measures that will ensure a just and ambitious green transition in Slovenia".
Accompanied by police, the youth proceeded to Prešeren Square and on to Republic Square in front of the National Assembly to present the list of demands the movement made at five "climate assemblies" that were held in Ljubljana, Maribor, Koper and online in March.
They called for the creation of a special government office or ministry to coordinate green transition and climate change policies and to implement them as soon as possible.
Energy decarbonisation, more investment in public transport, promotion of cycling, a 32-hour four-day work week paid as much as a full 40-hour week are also demanded.
The youth wants a green financial reform which would tax polluters, while SID Bank's mission should be changed to support only projects to mitigate climate change.
Measures to decrease the amount of waste food should also be taken and more attention given to biodiversity. The list of measures was sent to politicians by mail.
Support for the youth's demands was also expressed by the SVIZ trade union of teachers and some NGOs, including Amnesty International Slovenija.
Representatives of several parties could be seen at the Ljubljana protest, among them of the opposition SD and Left and the non-parliamentary Vesna and Pirates.
The protests held in the three Slovenian cities were part of 700 events worldwide at which youth demanded a better future.