The Slovenia Times

Košorok named chairman of Gen Energija


Krško - Blaž Košorok, until a few days ago a state secretary at the Infrastructure Ministry, has been appointed chairman of GEN Energija, a state-owned power company that manages Slovenia's half of the Krško nuclear power station, several media reported on Wednesday citing unofficial information.

He was picked among six applicants with TV Slovenija reporting that the long-serving CEO of GEN Energija, Martin Novšak, who was dismissed just over a month ago, was among the candidates.

Košorok served as CEO of HSE, the state-owned holding running a series of power plants, from November 2012 to July 2017, before which he headed the Ljubljana city's CHP plant Te-Tol.

His is the latest in a series of appointments to top jobs at state-owned energy firms during this government's tenure. Necenzurirano, an investigative news portal, has said Košorok enjoyed the support of Prime Minister Janez Janša.

The prospect of change at the helm of GEN Energija has caused quite a stir in Posavje, the region where the company and the nuclear power station are based.

The Krško city council recently voiced opposition to the move arguing that this was "typical political staffing" and an attempt by the government to dismantle the Posavje energy pillar and relocate it to Ljubljana.

Local opposition reportedly made for a turbulent and long session of the supervisory board today, according to the portal Požareport.


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