The Slovenia Times

Parties would invest in a number of sectors, including digitalisation


Ljubljana - Most parties contesting the upcoming election would intensify investment in infrastructure, energy, health and R&D, while they have stressed in response to STA question about which sectors they would invest in most that digitalisation should not be limited to certain sectors because it is important for all segments of society.

They are convinced that digitalisation and digital literacy is needed across the board, but especially in the public administration, healthcare, education and industry. Digitalisation should also bring closer together businesses and education and research institutions.

Most of the parties are in favour of the state playing a more active role in housing, especially by encouraging the National Housing Fund and local communities to build more homes, in particular to help the youth.

The Democrats (SDS) would intensify investment in sectors which create high added values as well as in IT infrastructure, railways and energy, apart from encouraging strategic greenfield investments by domestic and foreign investors, industry 4.0 and low-carbon circular economy, new sustainable technologies and digitalisation.

According to the Freedom Party, domestic capital should be activated and enhanced to invest in green transition, housing and the public sector. The party has announced legislation that would enable issuing bonds to finance certain projects. It would also enhance the role of the SID Bank.

The Social Democrats (SD) maintain that Slovenia needs more investment in public services and public infrastructure, while the economy's valued added should be increased and green and digital transition ensured. This is why it has announced changes to the national recovery and resilience plan.

New Slovenia (NSi) has announced more investment in digitalisation of public administration and in R&D. The party would like to strengthen power distribution companies, digitalisation of several areas, including education, healthcare and judiciary, and continue investing in renewables and in the modernisation of the army and police.

Science and research is what the Marjan Šarec List (LMŠ) would prioritise, arguing at least EUR 100 million should be allocated annually until 2026 to secure top infrastructure and equipment, and flexibility and connectivity of science and higher education. It would also encourage private investment.

The Left would enhance public investment in railways, energy efficiency of buildings, renewables, social infrastructure such as hospitals, schools, care homes and rental homes. It also deems it important to spend on technological development, including digitalisation.

Our Land would like to see more to be invested in agriculture, energy, and high added value businesses. It would also focus on supporting the agricultural sectors which the country largely lacks, and sustainable accommodation. Agriculture is also one of the areas that should be further digitalised to become more competitive.

Apart from investing in digital and green transition, the Alenka Bratušek Party (SAB) would like to see Slovenia have an air carrier and would establish Air Slovenia, as well as invest into a water storage system. The party would push for a development-oriented and socially-responsible economy, and ensure digitalisation to all.

Connecting Slovenia believes that sectors with low energy use should be prioritised to eventually modernise the entire economy in this direction. Key investments should encourage jobs with high added value, but basic infrastructure, health and agriculture should not be neglected, the latter to increase the country's self sufficiency.

The National Party (SNS) would invest more in sectors which bring development and profit, while it says that digitalisation is a general process that should not be limited to any sectors in particular.

The Pirates would most of all invest in energy, especially to build a second nuclear reaction in Krško and to adjust the national grid to renewables. They would also invest in the public and state administration, rental flats and a support environment to modernise the economy.


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