The Slovenia Times

Registered jobless total in April lowest since 1990


Ljubljana - A total of 58,081 people were registered as unemployed at the Employment Service at the end of April, which is 4.1% less than in March and 26.7% less year-on-year. This is the lowest jobless total since 1990, the Employment Service said on Thursday.

In April, 4,098 people were registered at the Employment Service anew, which is 5.1% less than in March and 5.3% more than in the same month last year. Compared to April 2021, there were 11.4% more first job seekers.

The monthly average for the first four months of the year was 62,808 persons registered as unemployed, which is 26.4% less than in the comparable period in 2021.

Demand for workers increased by 40.1% compared to the first for months of last year, as employers reported 59,617 vacancies to the Employment Service. Demand was highest for simple manufacturing jobs.


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