The Slovenia Times

Machines to vend Slovenian poetry in Leipzig


Leipzig - Three vending machines offering poems by Slovenian, Austrian and Leipzig-based poets will be set up in Leipzig, in eastern Germany, on June 1.

The project is the brainchild of poet and writer Matthias Göritz, currently serving as a professor of creative writing in Louisiana. Göritz will also moderate the opening event, according to the Leipzig Literaturhaus.

The project is closely tied to the Frankfurt Book Fair. Slovenia is set to be its guest of honour country next year while Austria will be the the guest of honour at the Leipzig Book Fair the same year.

The vending machines will operate for a year and will be set up at the city library, the Schaubühne Lindenfels theatre, and the Haus des Buches house of literature.

Selected poems by Slovenian authors Tone Škrjanec and Ana Pepelnik, as well as by Austrian and Leipzig poets will be available at 50 cents apiece.


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