The Slovenia Times

Caritas Slovenia raised over EUR 3m for Ukraine so far


Ljubljana - Caritas Slovenia has so far raised more than EUR 3 million in aid for Ukraine in what is the biggest humanitarian campaign dedicated to a foreign country in Slovenia's history. The organisation, which has so far sent 20 shipments totalling 283 tonnes of aid to the war-stricken country, notes that the situation there calls for more and more help.

The need for humanitarian assistance in Ukraine is growing with every single day, Mira Milavec from Caritas-Spes Ukraine told a press conference on Thursday. People currently need psychosocial support and assistance with logistics the most, she added.

Caritas Slovenia has been in charge of transporting the shipments to Mukachevo and Lviv, and Caritas-Spes Ukraine makes sure the aid arrives at a number of at-risk destinations, but several areas are still hard-to-reach.

In addition to numerous individuals, institutions, associations and schools, more than 350 Slovenian companies also donated to Ukraine. Jana Lampe, the head of Caritas Slovenia international assistance, highlighted that pharma company Krka had donated medicines worth EUR 200,000.

Caritas Slovenia welcomed the cooperation with the Slovenian Business Club, which raised EUR 101,000 via its charity Red Ball to help children in Ukraine. Moreover, the Foreign Ministry raised EUR 200,000 via Caritas Internationalis.

Caritas Slovenia is also in charge of two humanitarian campaigns dedicated to Ukrainian refugees in Moldavia and Poland.


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