The Slovenia Times

Demokracija praises achievements of former govt


Ljubljana - The weekly Demokracija says in the commentary entitled Farewell of Very Successful (Third) Janša Government that the former government had been faced with many unimaginable challenges and was leaving the country in excellent macroeconomic shape.

Saying the Janša government is leaving behind excellent macroeconomic indicators, the weekly points to the stimulus packages for mitigating the effects of the epidemic, "preservation of healthy economic potential and securing of over 300,000 jobs".

The Janša government also managed to preserve all "vital elements of welfare state" despite being faced with "many tough and unimaginable challenges", the paper says.

As Janša wrote, the OECD has listed Slovenia as second best country in the tackling of the pandemic, right after Denmark, Demokracija notes. In the final quarter of last year, Slovenia recorded the highest economic growth among all OECD countries and currently has the lowest unemployment in its history.

Unfortunately, a large part of voters has "failed to recognise the excellent work of the centre-right government", the weekly says, putting the blame for this on the "dominant leftist media".


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