The Slovenia Times

Police trade unions welcome appointment of new commissioner


Ljubljana - The two police trade unions have welcomed the appointment of BoĊĦtjan Lindav as acting police commissioner, praising him as a top expert and a person of great ethic and professional integrity.

"He is a career police officer who enjoys good reputation among the general public and in particular in police ranks," SPS trade union stated in a written response.

The PSS union described Lindav as "one of the few individuals in the police force who over the past two years spoke out publicly in defence of the rule of law and an independent police force".

Both unions believe the new commissioner faces tough work ahead to restore the force's reputation in the wake what the PSS termed as "brutal political interference" in the force's independence and "unreasonable and disproportionate encroachment on constitutionally guaranteed rights" under the previous government.

Both unions also expect him to restore social dialogue. They expect to meet the new leadership of the Interior Ministry and police force in the coming days to discuss open issues.

Lindav was appointed by the new government at its maiden session on Wednesday to replace his much criticised predecessor Anton Olaj. Lindav served as the head of the criminal police before he was replaced by the previous government in April 2020.


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