The Slovenia Times

Reporter says Golob proving opposition wrong with his acts


Ljubljana - Reporter writes in its latest editorial that Prime Minister Robert Golob is denying with his decisions and acts the false accusations from the opposition that Slovenia is turning towards Moscow under the new government and that he is a Tojan Horse of Russian President Vladimir Putin.

The weekly notes that two months after the general election, the Democrats (SDS) are yet to accept the election defeat and their new/old role in the opposition.

While Janez Janša had promised that the SDS will be constructive as an opposition party, he is now "mercilessly throwing spanners in the works of the new government under the perverted principle - the worse for them, the better for us."

Reporter notes that Janša has been systematically slandering the election winner and the new government abroad with tweets about the alleged strong pro-Russian network in Slovenia and possible Russian interference in the election.

"However, Robert Golob is denying with his acts all these false accusations that Slovenia is turning towards Moscow under the new government and that he is a Tojan Horse of Russian President Vladimir Putin."

He endorsed the EU candidate country status for Ukraine, noted the importance of EU unity in response to the Russian aggression against Ukraine, and told Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky Slovenia's stance to towards Ukraine had not changed.

The new prime minister supported these words with acts, with Slovenia sending 35 armoured vehicles to Ukraine. The deal was agreed by the previous government, but the new government did not stop it, the weekly notes.

"The world is not black and white, as politicians who ride the wave of populism are frequently trying to portray it," Reporter says, adding that the left wing in Slovenia being on Russia's side and the right on Ukraine's side is a "fabrication".

At the end of last week, another cold shower for Janša came from abroad, as the Economist assessed that Slovenia stopped slipping into an autocracy under the new government, after the prime minister inclined to Victor Orban had left.

Part of this political turnaround is the new focus in Slovenian foreign policy - a shift from integration with the Visegrad Group countries back to the core Europe.

"Away from Janša's big political friend, the Hungarian autocrat Viktor Orban, who is actually considered to be Vladimir Putin's Trojan Horse in the EU," concludes the commentary Trojan Horse from Budapest.


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