The Slovenia Times

Solar cooperative established in Koper


Koper - The coastal municipality of Koper is planning to set up a solar power station at the primary school in the village of Sveti Anton near Koper, as part of the newly-established Solar Cooperative. The investment is worth close to EUR 144,000.

The new cooperative intends to built self-sustaining solar power plants on other municipal buildings as well. The cooperative was incorporated by the Koper Municipality and two individuals, who hope to entice other partners to join in the future.

The cooperative hopes the Infrastructure Ministry will chip in as well and will actively partake in all upcoming public calls for co-financing of such projects.

The newly-installed solar power collector at the primary school is projected to generate at least 110,000 kilowatt-hours per year.

For every EUR 200 invested, the cooperative will lease one kilowatt of installed power. According to the calculations by the municipal services, a kilowatt-hour will cost around 11 cents.

After 15 years, when the loan for the investment will have been repaid, the price is expected to fall to five cents per kilowatt-hour, which is considerably cheaper than grid electricity, which in 2021 cost, on average, more than 14 cents per kilowatt-hour


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