The Slovenia Times

Layman lawyer Poljanec announced presidential candidacy


Ljubljana - Ludvik Poljanec, who has successfully represented Slovenian citizens before the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR) as layman, is to run in the 23 October presidential election. Announcing the bid in which he will seek support of voter signatures, he said he had decided to run due to his knowledge of law and social order in Slovenia and Europe.

Poljanec told the press on Wednesday that he had been actively involved in efforts to protect human rights as an advocate at the Strasbourg-based ECHR for 24 years, noting that he was not formally educated as jurist. "I feel it's time to further step up the activities," he said.

What prompted him he most to decide to run for president is the fact that he was a member of the electoral commission for the Slovenian independence referendum in 1990. "I can't forget the excitement of the people in anticipation of their own country, but now I find that most of the things that had been imagined do not work."

Poljanec assessed that the plan to create a "wonderful law-governed welfare state" had failed, as state officials, civil servants and institutions do not implement the constitution and rulings of the EU Court.

He has decided for candidacy also because of what he labelled as inequality in the sense that an independent must collect 5,000 certified voter signatures, while a candidate running under a political party 3,000 and a parliamentary party candidate only 10 MP signatures.

"For me, this is first-class nonsense, which I have been noting for at least ten years, but there the current politicians are yet to make a smart move," said Poljanec, who personally sees no difference between "left and right" policies.

Another reason why he decided to run is the social situation, penal policy and inconsistencies when it comes to pensions. He is in favour of a new wage system and a change in the income tax brackets.

Poljanec believes this is the duty of the president, who in line with the constitution must guarantee welfare and equality-based state. "We have presidents who are just for decoration and who hand out medals," he said.

The president of the non-parliamentary Party of Rights was the only layman from Slovenia to be invited to represent Slovenian citizens before the ECHR, and was successful in two cases.

While the filing of official candidacies is not yet possible, Poljanec joins ruling Freedom Movement party vice-president Marta Kos lawyer Nataša Pirc Musar, psychoanalyst Nina Krajnik, former Foreign Minister Anže Logar, musician Gregor Bezenšek Jr., Kočevje Mayor Vladimir Prebilič and Leo Trojar of the Anthroposophic Society in unofficially announcing their bids.


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