The Slovenia Times

Finance wonders what govt can do in the face of global crisis


Ljubljana - In the context of the emerging economic crisis, the newspaper Finance wonders what the government of Robert Golob can do to offset its negative consequences.

The Covid crisis was an unpleasant period and whoever was in power at the time has inevitably become a symbol of that period. So it was expected that in the 2022 election someone other than Janez Janša will be elected.

Robert Golob, who assumed this role, gives the impression - just like Borut Pahor did when he became prime minister in 2008 at the onset of the economic crisis - of "an intelligent, cosmopolitan man with a distinct feeling for self-promotion and slightly smaller sense of reality".

The government that he has formed seems slightly distant - it has big ideas but the abilities do not seem to follow. "Perhaps it is good that those who have big ideas do not manage to turn them into reality quickly. Especially given the first ideas of this government."

So it seems that the crisis year of 2008 is repeating in Slovenia. But the problem is that it is also happening worldwide again and this sets some boundaries on what can be achieved in Slovenia, even if the country had a super government.

In the meantime a "collective energy suicide of the Western world" has happened, the concept of global operations has collapsed and the two great "lighthouses of economic, social and political development - the EU and US" have been exposed as economically, socially and politically weak - not that this means that others are better, the paper says.

The Russian attack on Ukraine only rounded off all these processes and is more of a symptom than a cause of this crisis.

Wondering what a national government can actually do in these circumstances, the paper says that maybe "we'll be lucky and ... the global risks will be realised in a controllable scope and our government will prove to be neither revolutionary nor retrograde".


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