The Slovenia Times

Young man attacks police officers twice in less than a month


Šentjernej - Police officers pulled over on Monday evening a 21-year-old driver who became violent as the officers tried to breathalyse him, making death threats to them and damaging a police vehicle. The same man attacked and injured two police officers less than a month ago as he was pulled over in a tractor without driver's licence.

Last evening, the man attempted to flee as the officers tried to breathalyse him after pulling him over in a car near Šentjernej in eastern Slovenia. He had to be restrained and taken to detention.

He resisted all the time, told the officers that he would kill them and damaged the police vehicle in which he was being transported.

Two police officers sustained light injuries during the effort to restrain the man, who was measured to have had 0.90 milligrams of alcohol in a litre of exhaled air, the Novo Mesto Police Department said on Tuesday.

The same man attacked police officers in mid-July as he was pulled over one hour before midnight in the village of Stranska Vas, south of Novo Mesto, driving a tractor without driver's licence.

As it was established that the driver has no driver's licence for the tractor and that he was apparently drunk, he was breathalysed, but he failed to perform the procedure correctly, while also rejecting the ordered professional examination.

During the procedure, he kicked one police officer, and then attacked another, biting him on his arm. The attacker had to be restrained and was taken to detention, while the tractor was seized.

At the time, the man was also violent during transport and damaged the police vehicle, while both police officers were treated for light injuries. He is facing charges for both incidents.


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