The Slovenia Times

Gynaecologist Senčar 11th to announce presidential bid


Ljubljana - Gynaecologist Sabina Senčar has joined ten hopefuls who have so far announced their presidential bids as the country will be electing a new president on 23 October. She intends to run with the support of, a non-parliamentary party founded amid the Covid epidemic to oppose restrictions.

Presenting her plan at a news conference in Ljubljana on Wednesday, Senčar criticised the manner in which the authorities had managed the epidemic.

She said that over the past two years, the world had ground to a halt due to the disease while "we aren't any healthier today".

On the contrary, the general state of health has worsened, while "we have allowed violations of human rights, and economic and psychological damage", she said.

Senčar said that "we will not believe in science, we will question science, and we will verify and evaluate its results".

If elected, she would look to reinforce the authority of the president by example and moral authority.

She would first invite representatives of neighbouring countries to Presidential Palace, and work hard on making friends, as she sees it vital to have more friends than enemies.

One of the important tasks would be examining the contract the country has with the World Health Organisation. "Because things are not the same they used to be."

To submit her candidacy once this becomes possible, Senčar will first have to collect 3,000 verified signatures - 2,000 fewer than those running as independents because she would run with the support of a non-parliamentary party.

Senčar has joined the informal presidential race that so far also features Freedom Movement vice-president Marta Kos, ex-Foreign Minister Anže Logar, lawyer Nataša Pirc Musar, Kočevje Mayor Vladimir Prebilič, ex-MEP Ivo Vajgl, psychoanalyst Nina Krajnik, musician Gregor Bezenšek Jr, Leo Trojar from the Anthroposophic Society, the president of the non-parliamentary Party of Rights Ludvik Poljanec, and ex-journalist Aleš Ernecl.


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