Slovenia among Countries with Least Efficient Judiciary
Slovenia scored 3.8 out of 7 points, finishing the 23rd on the list of 26 countries, topped by Ireland, the Netherlands, Austria and Luxembourg, which reached between 6.1 and 5.8 points.
Compared to the 2000 survey, Slovenia gained a spot and improved its score by 0.2 percentage points.
In terms of efficiency and speed in corporate dispute proceedings, Slovenia was fifth worst in 2010 with 1.7 points out of 7, dropping one spot compared to 2000. Faring the best was Sweden, and the worst Slovakia.
Slovenia is also close to the bottom of the list in terms of the time a court needs to reach a decision on bankruptcy or insolvency. On average, companies wait for two years for a court decision, which is level with the waiting time ten years ago.
The decisions are made the fastest in Ireland, in 0.4 years, while it takes the longest in Slovakia, where companies wait four years.