The Slovenia Times

Slovenian PEN warns of "harmful actions" of RTV Slovenija management


Ljubljana - The Slovenian PEN Centre has warned of what it sees as unacceptable and harmful actions of the current management of public broadcaster RTV Slovenija and its Programme Council. The PEN Centre believes the two bodies are not working to the benefit of the public but following instructions from the biggest opposition party.

The PEN Centre management board said on Monday that the announcement of a referendum on changes to the RTV Slovenija act by the opposition Democrats (SDS) meant that the current RTV management and the SDS did not intend to let the coalition-sponsored legislative changes take effect.

"In the period before the referendum, their strategy is obviously to take complete control over RTV staff-wise - employ staff obedient to the party who do not meet professional criteria for editorial, management and journalist posts to which they are appointed."

The board called on the SDS to withdraw the referendum initiative and allow for depoliticisation of the RTV management in line with democratic values and the freedom of speech.

It urged all political parties to act in the spirit of democratic values and tolerance and advocate for the freedom of speech.

The RTV management was urged to stop bullying RTV journalists and editors and others who are not on their side ideologically and act professionally rather than as an instrument of a single political party.

Support for the independent public RTV was also expressed today by the Coordination of Independent Research Institutes of Slovenia (KOsRIS). In a separate statement, KOsRIS said it supported the authors of RTV news shows in their professional and unbiased work that is in line with professional and ethical standards.

The organisation noted that the role of an independent public RTV service was now more important than ever.


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