Slovenian artist wins Piran Grand Prix
Piran - Matic Moškon, a young Slovenian artist, has won the Grand Prix at the Piran Ex-Tempore workshop in the seaside town of Piran for a painting entitled Just an Observer.
Despite his youth, Moškon's work "exhibits the quality of psychological introspection," the jury said as the awards were declared on Saturday evening.
The broader theme of alienation provides a reflection on the view and function of the observer, it said, praising his painting for "exceptional harmony."
Another Slovenian artist, Mladen Stropnik, received one of the several special recognitions, the Cesare Dell'Acqua award, for a painting entitled White Cloud that the jury described as being "precise yet sloppy, centred and decentralised, surface and volume."
The jury comprised director of the Venice Academy of Fine Arts Riccardo Caldura, Slovenian artist Vadim Fiškin and Croatian art historian Jerica Ziherl.
The competition featured 194 works, of which 81 have been selected for an exhibition at the Piran City Gallery.
With its concept of creation on the spur of the moment, the Ex-Tempore (Latin for out of the moment), has been attracting academically educated artists, up-and-coming artists and amateur painters from Slovenia and abroad since 1966.