The Slovenia Times

Brglez willing to run for president, SD says


Ljubljana - MEP Milan Brglez (S&D/SD) has expressed the willingness to run for president, the junior coalition Social Democrats (SD) told the STA on Wednesday, expressing the wish that he be supported by the entire coalition. The SD presidency is expected to formally nominate him tomorrow afternoon.

Today, SD leader Tanja Fajon met with the heads of the other two coalition parties, Robert Golob of the senior coalition Freedom Movement and Luka Mesec of the Left, the SD said.

The party wants the entire coalition to rally behind Brglez, but there has yet been no final answer from the other two coalition partners, the party said.

The Freedom Movement nominated its own candidate, former party vice president Marta Kos, who withdrew from the race citing personal reasons.

Tomorrow it is expected to become more clear whether the Freedom Movement will endorse Brglez, as its party council is scheduled to convene over the matter in the afternoon.

Talking to the press in Velenje today, Golob said that "the announcement of new presidential candidates opens interesting possibilities".

The Left has meanwhile decided to join the presidential race with their own candidate, however, the party has not yet put forward a nominee. Media speculated that they might put forward MPs Miha Kordiš or Matej Tašner Vatovec.


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