The Slovenia Times

Kings of the Street wins award for best street newspaper front page


Milan/Ljubljana - The Slovenian street magazine Kings of the Street has received an award for the best street newspaper front page by the International Network of Street Papers. The people's choice award, presented in Milan, Italy, on Friday, recognised a cover made by visual artist Samira Kentrić, the organisation said.

Born in 1976, Kentrić is a Slovenian visual artist, illustrator and author known for her visual political commentaries. She has published two graphic novels and a novel.

Kings of the Street is a monthly magazine sold by homeless or poor individuals and produced to support these groups. Dedicated to homelessness and related social issues, the paper is published by the association of the same name, which provides aid to the homeless.

The newspaper has a monthly circulation of some 15,000 copies and is sold in Ljubljana, Maribor, the western region Primorska and occasionally elsewhere in Slovenia, the association said.


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