Children in hospitals get access to quality films
Ljubljana - Slovenia is joining an international project aimed at cheering up the children and youth in hospitals by offering them access to quality age-appropriate films. The national coordinator of the project is the Kinodvor cinema, which has also distributed to hospitals special suitcases full different optical toys.
The films of different genres and lengths are available through online platform Film v Bolnici (Film in Hospital), where parents and teachers can also download a number of additional activities for children.
The free access code is already being used by the teachers from the hospital units of the Vodmat kindergarten and the Ledina primary school in Ljubljana, as well as the young at the Paediatric Clinic in Ljubljana, the Soča rehabilitation centre and the unity for adolescent psychiatry of the University Psychiatric Clinic Ljubljana.
The platform is to brighten up the children and youth who cannot be engaged in education due to health reasons.
Its contents is created in partnership with Slovenian film producers and distributors, including the Academy of Theatre, Radio, Film and Television, Bela Film, Demiurg, Društvo za oživljanje zgodbe 2 koluta, FIVIA-Vojnik and Karantanija Cinemas.
The international Film in Hospital project, funded by the EU and initiated by Belgium, Croatia, Italy, Slovenia, Spain and Sweden, is to be upgraded and expanded in the next two years.