The Slovenia Times

Golob stands by legalisation of gay marriage and adoption


Ljubljana - Quizzed in parliament by Alenka Jeraj of the opposition Democrats (SDS) about whether the coalition planned to follow through with changes to the family code that allow gay marriage and adoption, Prime Minister Robert Golob pointed out these changes had been ordered by the Constitutional Court, which is "above the popular will".

Jeraj asked Golob whether he felt it was fair to "adopt changes to the family law bill that have been rejected multiple times by the majority of citizens in a referendum".

She said that while there were presently 250 registered same-sex partnership in Slovenia, the European Convention on Human Rights limited marriage to a union between a man and a woman, with its essence being the formation of a family. Moreover, the convention also does not feature the right to adoption, Jeraj added.

Golob said that the opinion in society on this matter was divided. While he announced during the election campaign the government will not force its way in affairs where there is no social consensus, these changes are not a matter of political will.

They were ordered by the Constitutional Court and "if anyone thinks this government can influence the Constitutional Court, they are very mistaken", the prime minister said in the wake of the government adopting the changes and announcing they would be fast-tracked through parliament this week.

The top court is the one making sure that constitutional order is being honoured and that everybody's rights are secured in equal manner," he added.

"Some parties feel closer to this concept than others, as some would prefer to downright ignore the entire judicial system," Golob continued, saying the rule of law was the basis of civilisation.

Golob went on to quote Pope Francis's view that "we are all the children of God" and argued that both the pope just like the top court feel "we cannot make distinctions between people only because they might not be like us".

Jeraj is moreover worried about the "introduction of gender theory and LGBTQ+ ideology into the school system". She argued children are susceptible to many things during their formative years and are strongly influenced by the environment in which they live.

Golob replied that the curricula are not prepared by the government, much less written into law. However, if the SDS is irked by the Constitutional Court's decision, it has all the legal possibilities of a constitutional appeal, "which you know better than I do," he said.


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