The Slovenia Times

Granny's Sexual Life wins Cezar nomination


After winning the European Film Academy award for best short film, Urška Djukić's Granny's Sexual Life has now been nominated for Cezar, the French film award, for best animated short.

Djukić's animated documentary about the intimate life of women in rural Slovenia in the first half of the 20th century is up against Margot Reumont's Caline and Marie Larrive's Noir-soleil in the shorts category. Cezar winners will be announced on 24 February.

Granny's Sexual Life tells about the youth and intimate life of grandmother Vera to shed light on how women, coerced by strict Church doctrine and social conventions, were perceived as objects for gratification of their husbands' sexual desires.

A Slovenian-French co-production, the film is based on the anonymous testimonials by women that author Milena Miklavčič gathered in her books Ogenj, rit in kače niso za igrače (Fire, Ass and Snakes are not Toys).

Djukić hailed the nomination as a great compliment for the film's team as well as for Slovenian film and language in in general, especially considering France's status in the film industry. It is the first such nomination for a Slovenian film.

"It's also a confirmation that the topic the film deals with is a universal truth that must be talked about, and that it's necessary to fight against all such abuses against women, which continue to happen today," Djukić wrote in response for the STA.

The film has won a number awards, including the European Oscar for best short, the Grand Prix at the Tampere Film Festival, best European animated film at the Go Short festival in the Netherlands and best film at the Festival of Animation Film in Berlin.

Djukić directed the film in collaboration with French animator Emilie Pigeard and wrote the script together with Maria Bohr. She also edited the film.


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