The Slovenia Times

Slovenia Gets Pirate Party


The party, whose newly-elected president is Rok Deželak, will strive to promote the ideas and the platform of the international Pirate movement.

The Pirate Party will foremost promote consistency in the respect of all human rights, which it sees as the foundation for the development of an open society and of the freedom of an individual.

It will also strive for limiting the surveillance over people, as it believes modern technology enables "very sophisticated possibilities for exercising surveillance", and for prevention of abuses in this area.

The party will serve all citizens and not only narrow interest groups.

On its agenda are constitutional changes that would make the right to access the internet a constitutional right, reform of the copyright legislation and the promotion of development and use of software.

The first Pirate party was established in Sweden in January 2006, followed by those in Austria in July and Germany in September the same year. Pirate parties have since cropped up all over the world. Pirate Parties International (PPI) was formally established in Brussels in 2010.


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