The Slovenia Times

Political Circus arround reforms referendums goes on



"The government and the opposition should take a step back in order to be able to step together on these important projects," he said in a press release a day after the PS MPs filed referendum requests.

He believes a task force should strive to find a solution that would restore trust and the integrity of expertise in each act.

The referendum motions are legitimate, Türk noted, stressing however that the National Assembly, being the highest legislative body in the country, must provide conditions for a thorough debate on state asset management and restructuring of the banking system.

The National Assembly must come up with solutions enjoying a broad support and discarding any doubts that may exist among experts, politicians and the public.

"The biggest opposition party has used the extreme measure, which is not a welcome [move] in this situation, but I understand this decision to be a result of the lack of willingness on the part of the coalition to listen to the proposals of the opposition and experts."

The president believes it is time that genuine dialogue is launched and a good agreement is reached. Slovenia needs to overcome the "practice of fear mongering and overruling" and direct its energy into finding solutions acceptable to all.

Moreover, National Council President Blaž Kavčič said that referenda are not the best solutions, as he talked to the press after laying wreaths at Ljubljana's main cemetery on All Saints' Day.

He pointed out that despite the National Council's veto, majority of upper chamber members said referenda were not an appropriate solution to tackle the challenges faced by Slovenian economy and people. The National Council rejected referendum proposals filed by a group of councillors on Monday.

Meanwhile, MEP Milan Zver, Türk's rival in the upcoming presidential election, labelled the president's proposal "legal and formal nonsense". Zver said in a press release that changing or abolishing the acts is only possible after these are signed by the president and step into force.

But in order for the acts to step into force, "the supporters of Danilo Türk and Borut Pahor [the third presidential candidate], have to withdraw their referendum requests," Zver added.

Pahor also commented on the referendum requirements today, saying the cost of the referenda in politics, society and economy would be much higher than the negative effects of the two acts.

He finds that in Slovenia, where the culture of political vengeance is strong, referenda have become a tool in political fights. He expects that referenda will cause even greater gaps between opponents and will fuel the distrust of the people in politics.

Legal experts Rajko Pirnat and Lojze Ude meanwhile also said that the government cannot simply delay an act. The government may only propose abolishing an act after it has already stepped into force.

Pirnat and Ude moreover expressed doubt over the validity of bad bank referendum request, as parliament Speaker Gregor Virant told the press yesterday that the signatures filed with the request were not originals, but scans. The legal experts believe that the scanned signatures and the request are not valid.












Pirnat and Ude moreover expressed doubt over the validity of bad bank referendum request, as parliament Speaker Gregor Virant told the press yesterday that the signatures filed with the request were not originals, but scans. The legal experts believe that the scanned signatures and the request are not valid.Legal experts Rajko Pirnat and Lojze Ude meanwhile also said that the government cannot simply delay an act. The government may only propose abolishing an act after it has already stepped into force.He finds that in Slovenia, where the culture of political vengeance is strong, referenda have become a tool in political fights. He expects that referenda will cause even greater gaps between opponents and will fuel the distrust of the people in politics.Pahor also commented on the referendum requirements today, saying the cost of the referenda in politics, society and economy would be much higher than the negative effects of the two acts.But in order for the acts to step into force, "the supporters of Danilo Türk and Borut Pahor [the third presidential candidate], have to withdraw their referendum requests," Zver added.Meanwhile, MEP Milan Zver, Türk's rival in the upcoming presidential election, labelled the president's proposal "legal and formal nonsense". Zver said in a press release that changing or abolishing the acts is only possible after these are signed by the president and step into force.He pointed out that despite the National Council's veto, majority of upper chamber members said referenda were not an appropriate solution to tackle the challenges faced by Slovenian economy and people. The National Council rejected referendum proposals filed by a group of councillors on Monday.Moreover, National Council President Blaž Kavčič said that referenda are not the best solutions, as he talked to the press after laying wreaths at Ljubljana's main cemetery on All Saints' Day.The president believes it is time that genuine dialogue is launched and a good agreement is reached. Slovenia needs to overcome the "practice of fear mongering and overruling" and direct its energy into finding solutions acceptable to all."The biggest opposition party has used the extreme measure, which is not a welcome [move] in this situation, but I understand this decision to be a result of the lack of willingness on the part of the coalition to listen to the proposals of the opposition and experts."The National Assembly must come up with solutions enjoying a broad support and discarding any doubts that may exist among experts, politicians and the public.The referendum motions are legitimate, Türk noted, stressing however that the National Assembly, being the highest legislative body in the country, must provide conditions for a thorough debate on state asset management and restructuring of the banking system.He believes a task force should strive to find a solution that would restore trust and the integrity of expertise in each act."The government and the opposition should take a step back in order to be able to step together on these important projects," he said in a press release a day after the PS MPs filed referendum requests. 


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