The Slovenia Times

Slovenians losing trust in political institutions

Slovenians increasingly distrustful of the prime minister while they trust civil protection the most; PM Robert Golob pictured with Civil Protection chief Srečko Šestan in the background. Photo: Boštjan Podlogar/STA

Slovenians are losing trust in most political institutions with a survey conducted by the Valicon agency finding that the prime minister has lost most trust since March.

The survey, released on 9 November, showed civil protection as the most trustworthy institution while firefighters remain the most trusted profession.

Firefighters gained 5 points to +94 on a scale from -100 to 100, which is the highest result ever measured. Paramedics placed second, up 6 points to 91.

Meanwhile, civil protection scored 61 points to replace small-sized Slovenian companies (57 points) as the most trusted institution for the first time since the survey Slovenia's Mirror was launched in 2012.

The result is not surprising as civil protection played an important role during and after the August floods, Valicon noted. The same goes for firefighters.

Other institutions with a positive score, which means more respondents trust than distrust them, are the respondent's employer (38), the army (28), police (21), large Slovenian companies (14), the educational system (11) and online shops.

When it comes to institutions, the public distrust social media posts the most, at -74.

But Slovenians are also distrustful of opposition parties (-55), the media (-54) and the National Assembly (-54), as well as of coalition parties, the Church and the government, all of which received -50 points.

Compared to the previous survey conducted in March, trust in the prime minister has decreased the most, dropping by 17 points to -42.

The National Assembly president and the country's president both lost 13 points, scoring -37 and -20, respectively.

The lowest trust in these offices was measured during the Janez Janša government (2020-22), at -64 for the prime minister, -51 for the National Assembly president, and -39 for the country's president.

This time the national broadcaster RTV Slovenija saw the biggest increase in trust, gaining 18 points to -28.

Politicians as a whole are the least trusted professional group at -82, down one point.

They are preceded by ministers (who lost 9 points to -63), other public office holders (who lost 6 points to -47), priests (who gained 12 points to -40) and trade unionists (who gained 4 points to -40).

Ministers, other public office holders and lawyers (-5 to -27), lost the most trust, while priests, doctors (46) and TV presenters (-15) recorded the highest increase as trust in them rose by 12 points.

Valicon conducted the online survey in October among 1,064 adults.


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