The Slovenia Times

Global poll suggests Slovenians live comfortably

Young people walk down the street. Photo: Bor Slana/STA

A global survey conducted in 39 countries suggests that Slovenia has the lowest proportion of people struggling to make ends meet, while the share of people who live comfortably is well above the global and European averages.

The survey, conducted by the Mediana Institute in Slovenia in cooperation with WIN, a leading global market and opinion research association, looked into the current financial situation of the population and the impact of rising prices on their consumption.

The share of respondents in Slovenia who say they do not have financial problems has increased by 10 percentage points from 2023 to 37%.

Globally, the share of those living comfortably has increased by 3 percentage points compared to last year to 28% this year. In Europe, the share is 32%, which means above the share in Slovenia.

The proportion of people in the middle class, that is those who are neither comfortable nor financially struggling, decreased globally to 32%. In Slovenia the share is at 48%, above even the average for Europe, at 36%.

Slovenia has the lowest proportion of people who struggle financially among all the countries surveyed, at 12%, followed by the Netherlands (15%) and Croatia (23%). Greece has the highest proportion in Europe, at 43%.

On the whole, Europe has the lowest share of people who struggle financially, at 28%, while in both Americas the share is at 46% and in Africa it is at 51%. Globally, the share of such people increased by 1 point from 2023 to 37%.

The survey was conducted among 33,866 people from 39 countries between December 2023 and January 2024.


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