The Slovenia Times

Henkel Maribor opens €10 million hair dye development centre

Henkel Maribor opens its European centre of excellence for hair colouration. Photo: Gregor Mlakar/STA

Henkel Maribor, part of the German multinational, has inaugurated its European centre of excellence for hair colouration in Slovenia's second largest city. The investment is worth more than €10 million, with the Slovenian government contributing €2.1 million in EU funds.

Henkel's biggest single investment in Slovenia in 30 years, the new centre will increase production capacities and job opportunities, Henkel Maribor director Gregor Majcen said at the inauguration ceremony on 29 May.

The government sees the investment as a great opportunity not only for the city of Maribor but for the entire country. Economy Minister Matjaž Han said such investments represented the direction in which Slovenia should develop in the coming years.

Development centres are where the know-how is, which means that such a global company as Henkel respects Slovenian know-how, he added while noting that Slovenia was becoming more and more attractive to foreign investors.

The Maribor company employs some 650 workers, but the new centre's production facilities are expected to increase the total headcount.

"Today we are on the brink of one of the greatest transformations in the history of our company in Slovenia. We expect the Slovenian market to respond positively, since local production of established brands inspires confidence in consumers," said Majcen.

Henkel Maribor is one of the key industrial companies in the region, producing more than 260 million products per year to be supplied worldwide.

According to Majcen, the company's results, which they do not usually disclose, have been good and in line with plans. The outlook for the future is looking good as well, he added.

Henkel, the chemical and consumer goods company, first founded a joint venture in Maribor in 1990 with Zlatorog, a state-owned chemical company making products such as soaps, laundry and cleaning detergents, cosmetics and toothpaste whose origins went back as far as 1878.

The joint venture passed into sole ownership of Henkel in 1997. Henkel Slovenija later split into production company Henkel Maribor, with Henkel Slovenija responsible for marketing and sales.


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