Slovenia Ranks 11th in Budget Process Transparency Survey
The fourth biennial survey, shows that budget transparency is a major global problem, since 77 of the 100 countries observed (representing 90% of the global population) did not make it to the first two groups with sufficient transparency.
Focused on the transparency of the budget process from drafts to reports and the influence of the parliament, Court of Audits and the public, the Open Budget Survey, however, does not monitor the credibility of the reported information, Mitja Čok of the Economics Faculty explained.
In the survey analysing the 2011 and 2012 budgets, Slovenia got a score of 74% as it has seven out of eight budget documents observed, putting the country in the second group.
Center on Budget and Policy Priorities advises Slovenia based on the survey to start issuing a non-technical presentation of the planned budget for citizens and make some additional minor adjustments to further improve transparency.
However, according to Čok, Slovenia was not far from making it in the best group of countries, as many other countries also do not have the practice of a "Citizens Budget", as the issue is termed in the survey, apart from which only minor weaknesses were found by the survey.
He noted that political crises in Slovenia have no major impact on the transparency of the budget process, which is determined in the law and parliament's Rules of Procedure.