The Slovenia Times

Public Opinion: 70% Say PM Should Seek Confidence Vote



Sixty-two percent of respondents do not think a minority government can run the country effectively, against 33% who said the opposite, a poll carried by the daily Delo on Monday shows.

The proportion of those who deem a confidence vote the only right answer to the current situation is above average among respondents aged 18-25, students, women and supporters of the Citizens' List (DL), the party that quit the Janez Janša coalition government last week.

Even 42% of supporters of Janša's Democratic Party (SDS) believe the PM should seek a confidence vote at parliament.

Two out of three (66%) respondents approve of the DL's withdrawal from the coalition, against 29% who do not. Meanwhile 62% support the withdrawal announced by the Pensioners' Party's (DeSUS).

More than a half of those questioned (53%) say that the main reason for the collapse of the coalition is Janša's failure to step down as PM following allegations of graft, while 28% blame personal resentments and 17% policy differences among coalition partners.

Meanwhile, respondents disapprove of last week's public sector strike by 52% to 44%; the proportion of those who deem the strike unjustified was above average among SDS supporters and those in age group 18-25.

The poll was carried out by Delo's in-house polling department Delo Stik on 23-24 January on the sample involving interviews with 400 adults.


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